Strong Password: The meaningless arrangement of numbers & characters only known to you

Often we are given task of creating new login. And when you are creating a login you are supposed to give a strong password as per the company policy. Few characteristic of a strong password are: it contains special characters and numbers. it contains a mix of upper and lower case letters. it has a minimum length of 10 characters. it cannot be guessed easily based on user information (birthdate, postal code, phone number etc.) Credits awyu322 If you give a password which is strong but you are using it every time while creating the login then it is known across the floor that if a new hire comes his first password is same as the one which you might have got. But every time one cannot think of something which is not easy to be guessed and meaningless. I have a small stored procedure which might help to generate a random word with caps and small letter and includes number as well and you can use them as password. You can pass the length of the password as the parameter, if you...