Where should the new database be placed?

Credits: Cea.
You get a request to create a database for an application and when you ask the requester where do they want their database be placed, they may leave it to you. This often happens. Now with so many SQL Server instances in your environment where would you place it ? The target size of the DB and available free disk space on server are one of the thing to be checked but there are other things too. The one question which would arise is should the database be placed on a SQL instance with other databases, or on a separate SQL instance of its own or in a separate windows host of its own? Following is one of the way to identify where the new database be placed:

  • Application requires a login to be given access to server role on the instance
    In this case if the database is placed with other databases on a shared SQL instance then there is a thereat that the login which is given access to server has access to other databases too. In this case the database should be placed in its separate SQL instance.
  • Database needs to be hosted to an instance with different server settings
    If the required server settings are different from settings on your current servers then you have to place the database in a separate instance with required settings.
  • You already have a database with same name.
    If you already have a database with same name on an instance, which could happen, then you have to place the database on a separate instance.
  • Database is resource intensive.
    If the database is going to use resources very heavily then place the database on its separate windows host, physical or virtual.
  • Else
    If none of the above case then you can place the database on a shared SQL instance with other databases.


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