RaspberryPi headless setup

Hardware requirements:
  1. RaspberryPi
  2. SD Card (Usually included when you buy RaspberryPi)
  3. SD Card Reader (Required if your PC does not have one)
  4. WiFi Router to get your RaspberryPi connected to
  5. PC (optionally with SD Card Reader)
Software requirements:
  1. Raspbian
  2. SD Card Formatter
  3. Win32DiskImager
  4. Angry IP Scanner
  5. PuTTY
  6. VNC Viewer
Steps to setup RaspberryPi in headless mode:
  1. Format SD Card using SD Card Formatter
  2. Copy the OS iso image to SD card using Win32DiskImager
  3. Create below files on root folder in SD Card
    • Blank file named "ssh" without any extension in the root folder of SD card
    • "wpa_supplicant.conf" with following lines of code in the root folder of SD card:
      Make sure to replace the country, ssid and psk values correctly in the above file.
  4. Remove the card and insert it into RaspberryPi and boot it up.
  5. Run Angry IP Scanner and scan for ip range for ip addresses of WiFi. If your router IP is then scan for the range to From the live hosts get IP of device with name having word raspberry. This is the IP of your RaspberryPi device.
  6. Open Putty and connect to the IP address found using user pi and password raspberry.
  7. Run following commands:
    • $ cd /home/pi
    • $ cd .config
    • $ mkdir autostart
    • $ cd autostart
    • $ nano tightvnc.desktop
      Enter following code in the editor: Exit using ctrl-X and then save file by typing Y and hit enter to overwrite the file.
  8. Reboot RaspberryPi
  9. Now your can connect to RaspberryPi using VNC Viewer by giving IP found by IPScanner by giving server name in below format:


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